GPRS Based Data Centralization SystemConsumer Products
The requirement is to provide RTU system to transmit power information to SLDC as well as UI based live and Reporting Software system for power plant. Also plant SCADA needed to be shown at corporate office of each plant

The requirement of RTU is to capture analog data from generation station as well as analog data from export feeder. The Analog data include MW, MVA, KVAR, AVG Voltage , PF, Frequency etc. The system also captures Digital status both single and double from different feeders. After capturing the data, it will be transmitted to Central Third Party Server through GPRS activated modem with minimum 2G communication link. Data will be transmitted to the SLDC through the IEC-60870-101 or IEC-60870-104 protocol as per the SCADA database creation by themselves.
UI Software
The Tariff based Unscheduled Interchange (UI) based Software is live and reporting software is based on Avg frequency, MW, MVA and also penalties provided by Third Party Committee.
The software system generates Hooter alarm (available with the system) and also releases SMS (optional) to the concern officer if any ambiguities during the release.
Data updating rate at live screen is 4 Hour
Intelligent Relay system is provided for generate hooter.
Report shall be like this
- Day wise
- Weekly wise
- Monthly wise
This is a value added system. The HQ management can view the plant SCADA remotely.