Redundant Modbus Gateway With Multiple Slave And Multiple Master DevicesSurface Transport & Logistics

For the Redundant Modbus Gateway (Data Collection from Field IEDs over Modbus TCP/IP and data transmission of the required data to Master over Modbus TCP/IP).
Challenges & Solutions
For each system redundancy Following Challenges & Solutions :
- Modbus Master/Slave Gateway with Minimum 2 nos. Ethernet RJ45 LAN portsthis is confirmed by us. Our Protocol gateway hardware selection has 2 isolated Ethernet RJ45 10/100Mbps LAN ports (Different MAC addresses and Different IP Addresses). Software/Firmware pre-loaded will have necessary drivers/configuration for Modbus Master and Modbus Slave (TCP/IP) device/system integration (Read & Write Analog & Digital Data from both sides)
- Communication with max 9 nos. Modbus TCP/IP Slave Devices each with minimum 15 IO points/registers
- Response time of max 1 sec for retrieval of data from all the 9 Modbus IEDs simultaneously and ready for transmission to Modbus TCP/IP Master Stations.Software/Firmware pre-loaded on Our Protocol gateway hardware RSK_PGA is capable of multi-threads (each thread will interface with 1 Modbus Master or Slave device). As per clients specification, there shall be max. 13 threads required (9 threads for integrating 9 Modbus Slave devices and 4 threads for integrating 4 Modbus Master Masters) which are available in the offered solution. There shall be no slowness observed in the offered solution even incase some of the Modbus Master & Slave devices are not connected to the network. The data reception from each Modbus device will be within 1 second.
- Simultaneous Communication with multiple Modbus TCP/IP master station (minimum 4 nos.)
- Power Supply – 24 VDC
- Necessary software/license required for programming Software/firmware with required drivers/configuration will be pre-loaded on RSK_PGA. R S Consultancy providedtraining for device configuration & troubleshooting to client engineers and the same is included in the offered solution.
- Mounting – Standard DINRAIL
- Approved System Architecture Extract enclosed above for your validation..Pls confirm.
- Protocol Gateway (RSK_PGA) Onboard Digital Input and Digital Output availability and status/data transmission to Modbus Master
- Protocol Gateway (RSK_PGA) Onboard Digital Output automatic operation (OFF to ON and further normalization) in an event of any or all Modbus Slave Communication Failure